The Floor is Lava!

Hello Everyone! This month I decided to try and make a prototype. I was able to have a decent build released on but it’s nowhere near where I wanted it to be. With the amount of schoolwork I still had to do to complete my masters degree and trying to not burn myself out, it proved to be difficult. I decided to create a player controller for a 2D platformer. I largely decided to do this as it was something I wanted to do for a while. I took the advice from one of the instructors to start and finish a game a month, and this was the first game I started with. There are several things that I was not able to get done that would have made it a lot better, but I ran out of time. This game was done in the Unity game engine and I plan to use the Unreal engine to complete a project for the month of May. I am looking forward to the challenge and to see where this goal of one project a month is going to take me! If you guys would like to check out this project, you can play it in the browser or download and play offline here: Thank you guys for the support!


2D Adventure Prototype