2D Adventure Prototype

During the last couple weeks, I have started working on a small 2D adventure game reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, as well as Hyper Light Drifter. So far in the development process, I have adjusted a free asset pack I got to make the sword attack more pronounced in all directions. The dash I have implemented provides for some great movement capabilities as well as more diverse combat encounters. I created simple wireframe menus with Figma to get a good understanding of what I want the UI experience to be like for a player and what basic functionality should be adjusted in the settings. This has also allowed me to think about the color and style of the game. I want to go with a pixel art aesthetic for gameplay, while having readable menus and subtitles. Currently I have focused more on basic functionality and creating a list of features that need to be reiterated upon to make a smooth and solid prototype. I have learned quite a bit from the last two weeks. I learned how to use Unity’s new input system with different control schemes and using the tilemap system to create areas quickly and easily. Pixel art is something that I am still learning to do so experimenting with that has been an interesting experience itself. I’m not going to focus too much on that over the next couple weeks, besides maybe changing a few colors to make it feel a bit different with these assets. I haven’t figured out the exact gameplay I want because it will change throughout testing. I do have a rough idea of how it should play out to help give a better picture of things the player can do within the game.


I may have gotten carried away...


The Floor is Lava!